Thursday, 27 December 2012

It's all over for another year...

So that's it, another Christmas done and dusted, all that present buying and wrapping, all the preparation and its over so quick! Sam had a great day, opening his many many presents, he was thoroughly spoilt, Sky on the other hand didn't really have a clue what was going on but was passed from relative to relative taking it all in. Sam had us up at 6:30am and Sky kept us up till late so it was a long day!!

Christmas dinner went as well as it can when looking after two little ones at the same time, potato's weren't my best but nothing got burnt so I think that's an achievement in itself, and there wasn't much left so it must have tasted alright.. Well Sam didn't eat much I think he managed a bit of sausage meat and a Yorkshire pudding before running off to play with his toys again he was so excited!

My Dad couldn't come which put a bit of a downer on the day, he was ill in bed with a chest infection, but we went round on boxing day for a bit of a family gathering and he was feeling a bit better. Sky got to meet some of the family for the first time, and it was nice to have everyone under the same roof as it rarely happens for my family (well there were a few missing but there was more than we usually get together at once). Sam also got the chance to make up for not eating much on Christmas day, he actually ate nearly a full pack of cocktail sausages leaving hardly any for anyone else, and then started to demolish the ham and turkey! Not to mention, raisins, crisps, yogurt, chocolate and cake! He also had us all playing with his new game.. Pop up Pirate, courtesy of Uncle Steve and Auntie Sarah, he loves it!!

Sky now has a bit of a cold, and we're pretty sure she is teething, so we've been shopping and armed ourselves with karvol and saline drops to help her out a bit tonight. She is currently sat here with the hiccups that are making her eyes water bless her.

I'll end this post by saying thank you so much to all our friends and family that made our Christmas special, and thank you for all the presents, even the dog didn't get left out!! Oh and just in case I don't get a chance to update before, I hope you all have a very happy new year!!    

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