Thursday, 31 January 2013


I got some absolutely amazing news today!! I have been approved for my student loan, so I can do my Open University course and it won't cost me a penny! (Well until I pay it back but that's not until I earn more than 17k) In short, I am a VERY happy bunny, and can finally get my head down and do some work! I know it sounds silly but I was kind of put off starting properly for fear that they would ask me to pay too much towards it and I'd have to drop out, but now it is all systems go!

On a bad note, I have a water infection :( I know I have an infection, I get them often enough, but my silly doctor won't give me a prescription for antibiotics as even though I am showing signs of infection there wasn't enough to prescribe anything, so here I am having to wait until it gets worse before they'll do anything! How is that a good idea? It also meant me missing swimming with Sam this morning, I felt awful as we were all ready to go, and I decided I wouldn't beable to go, Sam cried his little eyes out so in the end I just dropped Sam and Joe off at the pool, gutted!

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