This time around I've found myself firmly in the AP camp (attachment parenting). It wasn't something I intentionally set out to do, with Sam I was far too scared of crushing him to give co-sleeping a go (a fear put into me by numerous midwives and health visitors) and baby wearing wasn't something I had really heard of. I did wear Sam in a Mothercare carrier a few times out walking the dogs but that was about it.. Breastfeeding went horribly wrong as Sam wouldn't latch well, and would come on and off almost constantly throughout a feed making me so nervous of feeding in public that I would just never leave the house and so with very little support from professionals, I gave up and put him on formula at 4weeks.
With Sky, I progressed towards AP but was still very aware of the opinions of the people around me. She co-slept on nights she wouldn't settle, and would come in with us from around 2am until Sam would wake up around 6am. I experimented with babywearing after chatting online to the very lovely Steph at snugiwraps, and used a stretchy and a ring sling when dog walking, and doing the shopping, but primarily she would go in the pushchair. Breastfeeding went much better with Sky, she took to it like a pro from day 1, and since she would latch, feed for 20minutes then go another 2hours before needing another feed, being in public was much easier.
This time around, I have in honesty completely ignored the advice from health visitors and midwives and done everything the way I want to do it! I babywear Loki absolutely everywhere and sometimes even tandem wear Sky and Loki
The pushchair was redundant so we sold it. We co-sleep every night, and despite Loki being a bit like Sam for popping on and off while breastfeeding we are still going strong at nearly 15 weeks. I've had plenty of people telling me i'm making a 'rod for my own back' or that Loki will 'never sleep in his own bed' but i'm guessing non of these people have ever met an 18 year old who can't sleep at night unless he's cuddled up in his Mummy's bed..