Well hello there! It seems I have been away from the blogging world for a while.. Being back at work seems to have taken up what free time I had! However from today I am determined to get back in on the action, so be prepared for lots of new blog posts ;)
So yesterday I signed up to Breakthrough Breast Cancers £1000 challenge.. So basically I have challenged myself to raise £1000 to help fund their valuable research, and to hopefully make life a little brighter for some of the men and women who are battling Breast Cancer, or know someone who is. I have two family members who have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer, but thankfully neither of them are terminal cases, unfortunately I have friends whose loved ones are not so lucky..
So my first event to raise some cash is an online auction which will take place on my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Laceyschallenge this will be on October 29th 2013 so please if you would like to donate an item, or would like to bid come over and give us a like!!
I am also hoping to do a sponsored 5k swim, time and place to be confirmed but I will keep you posted!!
If you do fancy donating (give generously guys its a fabulous cause!!) Please visit my Just-Giving page at http://www.justgiving.com/Lacey-Young